March This month marched on. Here is my review: Good · I observed Shiv Ratri, Holi and Navroz in my way. · I started physiotherapy, Mashi does it for me daily and I’ve shown considerable improvement though the pain persists. I have fewer stiff muscles now. My ability to type was decreasing so I began physiotherapy. · My boss has given me a challenging project and I’m so busy that I can’t update my blog as often as I used to. · I don’t know if this is true or not but it gives me great comfort to know that my cat Bhutu reincarnated into my cat because he loved me when he was a human being. This gives me a new lease of life and adds immense value to it as many people dislike me as I’m not polished and cool, and am neurodivergent. Bad · The child from Uganda’s orphanage Hope Care Children’s Home [ @hope_cared_childr...