Fun facts for kids
1. The lion which is a
large animal belonging to the cat family dwells in Africa and Asia.
2. A male lion has
brownish-yellow hair around its head, shoulder and neck which is called a mane.
3. Lions, lionesses and
cubs live together in groups known as prides.
4. Lionesses hunt
antelopes, zebras, deer, boars and other wild and domesticated animals
5. They love to take
advantage of storms at night to hunt prey as the strong winds make it difficult
for the catch to hear and see them approaching.
6. The lion eats first,
the lionesses next and finally the baby gets its share.
7. A lion rarely catches
prey but protects the pride.
8. Else another lion may
join the group and kill the cubs.
9. He lets out a loud
roar soon after sunset which can be heard for miles.
He intends to frighten intruding lions and signal to the
pride members who’ve wandered off to return to it.
While the adult lions roar, the cubs mew.
Asiatic lions unlike their African counterparts don’t
usually live in prides.
A lioness also guards its pride members.
She gives birth to one to six cubs in a litter.
She lovingly brings them up, teaching hunting skills from
when they are a year and a half old.
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