Goddesses of wisdom

Goddess Saraswati, draped in white garments, perched on a lotus, with her snow-white swan vehicle, dispels the darkness of ignorance with the light of knowledge. Her annual worship is tomorrow [5 February 2022]. Here are other goddesses of wisdom from around the world:

Benzaiten (弁才天 or 弁財天):              She’s among the seven lucky deities of Japan and associated with water. What a graceful goddess of beauty, logic, wisdom, arts, music, dance and wealth she is! Many of her temples and shrines are built close to the sea coast. She dispels darkness and materialism from a human being’s mind.

Athena: This powerful goddess is from Greece known for courage, wisdom, skill and arts. A fiery warrior she has a wise old owl perched on her shoulder.

Minerva: Highly esteemed on the Roman pantheon of gods; she’s praised for her wisdom.  She’s also the goddess of poetry, arts, handicrafts, commerce and medicine.

Isis: She’s the Egyptian goddess of wisdom and magic. It’s because of her erudite nature that she has a kind heart.

Seshat: She’s the female scribe of the Egyptian divinity, who holds a papyrus parchment and reed pen; the goddess of knowledge, wisdom and writing.

Brigid: This is the Celtic goddess of poetry, fire, healing and childbirth.

#goddessesofwisdom, #brigid, #isis, #seshat, #saraswati, #benzaiten, #minerva, #athena, #greekgoddess, #romangoddess, #egyptiangoddess, #indiangoddess, #japanesegoddess, #celticgoddess, #europeangoddess, #asiangoddess, #africangoddess, #goddess, #divinity, #goddessofknowledge, #goddessoflearning, #isisgoddess, #brigidgoddess, #egyptianmythology, #greekmythology, #indianmythology, #japanesemythology, #celticlore, #celticmythology, #mythology






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