
Facts for kids

1.  You may think that a deer sprints fast, but the world’s fastest mammal is the cheetah.

2.  When it chases its prey, it runs much slower.

3.  Most cheetahs on this planet live in open forests and the savannah grasslands of Africa.

4.  A few of them dwell in Asia.

5.  Cheetahs have a light yellow coat with about 2000 black spots.

6.  Their dotted tawny coats help them to hide from their enemies in tall grass.

7.  They feast on gazelles, warthogs, rabbits, springboks and birds.

8.  Cheetahs hunt during the day to avoid competition from leopards, hyenas and lions which look for prey at night.

9.  Dusk and dawn are their favourite times to prowl for animals to eat.

10.             These animals mew, purr, growl, hiss and yelp but can’t roar as lions and tigers do.


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