
Depiction 5                                           

Two dots

My former boss would draw two dots to portray time to show that it’s the distance between them. Time prances from one moment to another. I envision a green frog going hoppity hop along a number line of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millenniums etc.

Referring to psychological time, the space between the dots may seem endlessly long at times. This happens to me when I’m anxiously waiting for news or feel excruciatingly bored. A curly winding line seems to link the specks. If we measure the same time in quantitative terms with clocks and calendars, a straight line that’s the shortest distance between two points may denote it.

#horology, #timeasdots, #measuringtime, #numberline, #timeline, #clocksandcalendars, #physicaltime, #psychologicaltime, #froghops, #greenfrog, #timeprances, #anxiousandbored, #dotsoftime, #timeflies, #secondsandmillenniums, #ticktock, #rhythmoftime, #timeweighingheavily, #watches, #timepraces, #timeticksslow, #timeswiftlypasses, #connectingminutesandhours, #timeistickingon, #froglove

https://pixabay.com/vectors/dice-throwing-rolling-two-dots-312627/: Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 

https://pixabay.com/photos/coral-finger-tree-frog-running-frog-62889/: Image by WikiImages from Pixabay 



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