
Depiction 2

An arrow moving in one direction

My former boss with whom I had one of my best work experiences reminded me that time is personified as an archer when he gave the answer mentioned in the title. In 1927, Arthur Eddington, a British astrophysicist introduced the concept of time’s arrow.  He believed that there was a definite direction of time’s flow. He studied the alignment of atoms and molecules to establish this theory.

In time’s linear journey depicted by this shooting arrow, we may think of the past that lies behind, the present hovering at its pointed tip, and the future which traces the path it is yet to traverse.  As per the second law of thermodynamics going back in time is not possible.

Eddington believed that the cosmological arrow points in the direction of the expanding universe, continuously on a journey from order to chaos as per the theory of entropy. If time is slotted on the x-axis and entropy on the y-axis, this arrow may be seen rising from the (0,0) coordinates to move up ahead.

Astronomers have set the current age of our universe at 13.8 billion years. The Big Bang theory of the universe’s birth expounds that time started along with it. Scientists are probing deeper into this concept of the arrow of time, much of which is still shrouded in mystery. Please don’t forget to check out the painting of the arrow of time by Vladimir Kush on canvas.

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https://pixabay.com/illustrations/abstract-background-template-5292531/: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

https://pixabay.com/illustrations/universe-hole-space-fog-galaxy-4048123/: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

https://pixabay.com/illustrations/space-planet-stars-cosmos-sci-fi-5720420/: Image by Ebenezer42 from Pixabay






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