Today is 7 Ashar 1428
as per the Bengali calendar. Ashar and Srabon are the two delightful monsoon
months in Bengal. 22 June 2022 is also Ambubachi which translates as ‘spoken
with water’. The erstwhile parched land
is getting ready to embrace the rain which will make the soil fertile preparing
it for bountiful crops. Monsoon blesses the earth with water making it a cradle
for lush vegetation and yummy colourful crops to sprout.
The first monsoon rain
of the season is likened to the menstrual cycle of a woman. This process makes
the earth ready for procreation which will give rise to the plant world
germinating and overflowing the landscape. This marks a three to four-day fair
at the Kamakhya Temple in Assam and other parts of India. Baul singers and
sannyasis assemble at this congregation to sing and dance.
It is believed that
the menstruating goddess Kamakhya turns the water of the River Brahmaputra red.
According to scientists red algae,
certain minerals and iron content found in the river during this time turn it
crimson. What hue does the river shine with today?
#ambubachiassam, #ambubachibengal, #kamakhya, #menstruatinggoddess, #redriver,
#riverbrahmaputra, #assam, #assamfestivals, #monsoonfestivals, #menstruation,
#symbolicmenstruation, #rainsoakedearth, #monsoonvegetation, #assamfestivals,
#indiafestivals, #baulsingers, #earthprocreating, #germination,
#plantsgerminating, #sannyasis, #spokenwithwater, #indianmythology,
#mythologybengal, #muthologyassam, #seedssprouting, #earthturninggreen, #scienceormiracle,
#nurturingearth, #periods
Image by kie-ker from Pixabay
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