The Elegance Adviser

@theeleganceadvisor [Instagram]

Some psychologists have said that I may be slightly autistic. I realize that I sometimes say things which offend people, though that’s not my intention. When neurotypicals insult people knowingly, that’s worse. Nevertheless, I didn’t want to go on hurting people, so I was searching for someone who’ll explain the rules of polite behaviour.

That’s when I fortunately found the profile of @theeleganceadvisor on Instagram. People, whether neurodivergent or neurotypical are unaware of many of the ways of courteous behaviour that she teaches, so I’m recommending this page strongly.

What helps me most about her page is how to gently and clearly communicate for different scenarios. She outlines the conversation in simple steps on how to crisply convey what you have to say respectfully. She has also replied very elegantly to me when I’ve PMed her on what to do in various scenarios, some very challenging.

I changed my mode of interacting with people based on what she taught me and improved my soft skills. That yielded a bonus of Rs 1 lakh last year. No other page on social skills that I’ve come across comes close to her high standard of quality. She’s an asset to my life. Following her tips will make this a much kinder world.

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Picture: Pixabay







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