Endless summer ending

Monsoon has arrived in India

I grew up in Kolkata, where our school was closed for summer vacation during this time. We’d go for trips to nearby places during this season or stay in the city where we’d swim daily, often in a lake full of snakes, fishes and frogs. Our family travelled to the tiny and calm hill station of Mirik which is one of the most memorable travels of my lifetime.

This summer seems to be never-ending making headlines globally about our heat waves. We hear that the cloud kingdom is showering mercifully on our country’s Andaman and Nicobar islands. The dark and grey majestic clouds are sweeping over our oceans to make their dramatic entry to our mainland.

Their messengers, wisps of fleeting clouds make their welcome entry to the sky above my town to tell us, “Have little patience. Monsoon has entered the stage of seasons in India through its wings. Summer is almost over.”

I loved to personify each cloud, enlivening each one with a human persona, as a child. Often I saw animals in them, so the clouds were bears and lions in a jungle. As clouds overlapped soon the endearing character I had made it to be was gone.

I hope to drench myself in the first shower of the monsoon in my town. That’ll be perfect to draw the curtain on a record breaking sweltering summer. My best friends, the snails and frogs will come out. I am soothed when I spot the first snail of the season.

The clouds rumble from sky to sky


the shower sweeps horizons,


the doves shiver in silence in their nests,


the frogs croak in the flooded fields,


and the clouds rumble. – Rabindranath Tagore


#monsoon, #monsoonseason, #monsoonchildren, #monsoondiaries, #monsoonmagic, #clouds, #cloudslovers, #cloudssky, #cloudsarecool, #monsoonclouds, #rain, #rainyday, #rainymood, #rainonme, #raindrops, #frogs, #froglove, #froglife, #froglover, #frogandtoad, #snails, #snailsshells, #snaillife, #snaillove, #snailfarmer, #summerholidays, #endlesssummer, #monsoonvssummer, #summerisending, #summerindia2022

Pictures: Pixabay


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