Chris Wasko

@chriswaskomedium [Instagram]


It was a magical moment when this amazing woman ascertained my personality, life goals and grudges correctly. She did that without judgment, kindly and with a smiling face. Chris Wasko thinks originally and explains with empathy. She is the only spiritual healer I know who gets narcissistic abuse and its effects. Most are clueless about this as per my experience.


After talking to Chris, I hung pictures of angels in my room and started feeling their soothing presence. Mashi often sees these heavenly beings treading beyond the threshold of our home in her dreams.


#magic, #magicmoments, #magichappens, #magical, #magicnight, #magiclife, #magicalmoments, #magicworld, #angel, #angelsarebeautiful, #angelcards, #angelmessages, #angelwings, #narcissism, #healingfromnarcissisticabuse


Picture: Pixabay




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