Healing through self-hypnosis

Part 2

Dr. Lodhavia explains how a self-hypnosis exercise is done. She informs that during these sessions the focus is on the third eye chakra. We need to close our eyes, sit comfortably, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. While inhaling we need to visualise that we’re taking in positive energy. While exhaling, we need to think that we’re letting go of negative energy. There are seven counts of exhalation and inhalation.

We then need to relax our body by starting from the toes and then gradually moving upwards to our ankles, calf muscles, knees, thighs, stomach, hands, arms, chest, shoulder, neck, face to our third eye chakra (which is on our forehead). This is followed by counting from 20 to 0.

Then one is to give one’s subconscious mind a powerful command that one is powerful. If it’s you wish to quit smoking maybe you could say, “I am no longer smoking. My lungs are breathing in fresh and clean air. I have gone towards better health.” You are to use the present tense while formulating these descriptions. The visualisation requires as if the optimum scenario is happening now.

 Dr. Lodhavia informs, “When you open your eyes, you will feel empowered. We have the solutions to all our problems in our subconscious minds. We can overcome negative conditions and diseases once we change the thought process that happens in our subconscious minds.”

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https://pixabay.com/illustrations/woman-silhouette-sunset-view-3918661/: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 


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