Cute little deer with big brown eyes
Lost in the woods , mama couldn’t find.
She was just going for a walk
Little did she knew
that she would get lost
Hypnotized by everything
little deer couldn’t stop the walking
Suddenly mama deer was out
of sight
little Bambi was struck with fright
Mama deer searched whole day long
But she knew she had to be strong
After hours of agony
What did she see?
Her little dear deer under a tree
Big silver tears were in her eyes
As there were in Bambies big
brown eyes.
Let me hold you
my sweet little deer
in my arms close to me.
Dear oh deer.
#deer, #fawn, #forest, #nature, #zoology,
#woods, #dear, #Bambi, #forest, #nature
Picture courtesy: Image by Sébastien
AUTREUX from Pixabay
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