These are 13 ways in which I think the English language will change in the future.

1.    We will speak faster.

2.    We will use shorter sentences.

3.    We will use smaller and simpler words.

4.    More colloquialisms and slangs will be used.

5.    British English will be mixed more with American English while writing especially when using technology.

6.     New words in science and technology will enter the English dictionary.

7.    New terminologies, upgraded terms and more politically correct words aiming to promote inclusiveness will enter feminism and the disability rights movement.

8.    The dictionary will be upgraded with new business and financial words.

9.    New words will be coined in fashion.

10.We will use fewer adjectives.

11.We will cut down on adverbs.

12.Texting lingo and abbreviations which are currently regarded as wrong in the English language will enter the English dictionary.

13.More social nicety words especially those used by the privileged will be created.  

Would you like to add to this? Image by Anastasia Gepp from Pixabay (I wanted to upload a picture related to fashion, I found this image on Pixabay)

#future, #English, #language, #colloquialisms, #slang, #BritishEnglish, #AmericanEnglish, #science, #technology,   #dictionary, #business #finance, #terminology, #disabiltyrights, #feminism, #adjective, #adverb, #texting, #lingo #abbreviations, #privilege, #socialnicety, #fashion, #vocabulary, #philology  


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