Lemon Juice with seeds

This summer cooler refreshed me. Seeds may be miniscule, but they are power packed with nutritional and health benefits. A seed gifts you with healthy fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins, fibre, etc. Lemon juice promotes hydration, contains Vitamin C,  improves skin quality, facilitates digestion, freshens breath, and may prevent kidney stones.

Fun facts on lemons:

1.  A citron and sour orange are the parents of the lemon. A citron is a big and fragrant citrus fruit with a thick rind.

2.                Lemon trees bear fruit throughout the year.

3.                 During the Renaissance, women used lemon hoping that it would redden their lips.

4.               Affluent Victorians grew lemon trees in their garden homes to savour the fragrance. This was also a token of prestige.

5.                A lemon tree usually lives for a little more than 50 years. With good care, it may exceed a century.

#lemon, #seeds, #fruits, #juice, #vegan, #vegetarian, #cleaneating, #food, #culinary, #foodhistory, #citron, #orange, #nutrition,  #healthyfats, #proteins, #minerals, #vitamins, #fibre, #minerals, #hydration, #VitaminC, #Victorian, #Renaissance, #tangy, #century, #fragrance, #kidney, #prestige, #digestion


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