Don't fidget
Singing forbidden
Don’t look out of the window
As a child, I would love to remember lessons by
reading them out loud, along with a tune. That enabled me to remember faster. I’d
set texts of books to the music of songs I knew. Once, while learning how the
squid protects itself, I was reading it out in the tempo of a Sanskrit hymn. My
tuition teacher snapped at me, “You are studying about a sea creature, it’s not
God. Don’t insult our religion.”
Personally, I can concentrate much better if I
look out of the window while someone is teaching or speaking. I find it very
uncomfortable to look at people’s faces steadfast in general, especially if the
talk is long. I love to gaze on at a bird, cloud, a leaf, or the rain;
interestingly that helps me absorb more of what’s being taught.
As a child I’d do acrobatics while solving mental
math, learning poems, etc. While I was in mid air hopping from a table to
another, I was giving correct answers of math problems, spelling difficult
words, etc. My tuition teacher thought I was very naughty.
I have a problem in paying attention, and
according to some psychologists I may even have a few traits of autism. For
people like me, moving about in class, swinging legs, humming, fidgeting,
smiling without ‘reason’, etc, may help us to concentrate better. In hindsight,
I am happy that I didn’t stop that boy I talk about from eating chips in class.
He had absorbed the core of that lesson much better than other students of the
I just read that there are fidget toys for kids
with ADHD and autism. I would advise educationists to encourage the manufacture
and innovation of these toys. Pay the ones who make them well, but keep the
price affordable especially for schools where rich kids don’t study. Let
schools be encouraged to add a new room to their infrastructure, the playroom,
or toyroom. Many toys strongly help in improving learning. Unfortunately many
think that toys, even when given to children in few numbers, are useless, and a
means of spoiling them.
#autism, #ADHD, #toys, #play, #acrobatics,
#teaching, #schools, #disability, #specialeducation, #fidgettoys, #music,
#math, #spelling, #children
Image by Michal
Jarmoluk from Pixabay: Picture courtesy
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