
I’m thinking of starting a section where I’ll decode the kind of people who annoy me, and am sure are irritating to many others as well. Instead of writing how their victims may safeguard themselves, I would rather concentrate on how society can deter the grooming on these kinds of people. What can parents, and teachers do not to raise a generation which does this? How can work places prevent this kind of behaviour?

Please post a comment below to add on to this list.

·      Ableist

·      Bully

·      Sexual harasser

·      Exploiter

·      Fat shamer

·      Fault finder

·      Hypocrite

·      Nosey poker

·      Unsolicited advisor

·      Patriarch

·      Internalized misogynist

·      Quack

·      Snob

·      Animal hater

·      Jingoist

·      Religious fanatic

·      Stigmatizer

·      Homophobic

·      Privilege denier

·      Climate change denier

·      Argumentative people

·      Gaslighter

·      Gossiper

·      Office politics expert

·      Casteist

·      Xenophobic

·      Forced marriage perpetrator

·      Bragger

·      Toxic positivity endorser

·      Invalidator

·      Blackmailer

·      Manipulator

·      Judgmental person

·      Ad hominem experts

·      Prejudiced people

·      Self-righteous people

·      Humble bragger

·      Sadist


Om shanti, shanti, shanti

Picture courtesy: (Image by Anja🤗#helpinghands #solidarity#stays healthy🙏 from Pixabay )



#decoding, #psychology, #bullying, #prejudice, #sadism, #patriarchy, #misogyny, #feminism, #LGBTQA, #hypocrisy, #FatShaming, #love, #invalidation, #xenophobia, #gaslighting, #OfficePolitics, #ClimateChange, #ToxicPositivity, #positivity, #SexualHarassment, #HR, #education, #students, #teachers, #MoralEducation, #values, #morals, #office, #careers, #snobbery 




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