Brown is an aesthetic colour

Meditation, deep breathing and yoga may be grounding exercises for some, but to suppose that these better suit all, and solve all problems like magic is regressive thinking which is trumpeted as progressive philosophy by those propagating positive psychology. This part of counselling was developed to boost confidence, resilience and positive thinking. However, the way it’s being used nowadays by psychologists like an umbrella therapy which is supposed to help all, otherwise deeming the person weak if she/ he prefers any other kind of help is shoddy.

In 2020, when the lockdown began I missed the summer shades of yellow, yellowish green, brownish green and brown. The hillocks of our neighbourhood were laid out with these tones in April as the summer sun scorched the erstwhile verdant vegetation of spring.

I was missing the rugged charm of this down-to-earth brown though I did stay home unless it was to go out to fetch essentials. When I communicated to the helpline psychologist that I was craving to see various hues of this societally chastised ‘dull’, ‘boring, ‘lifeless’ and ‘barren earth’ colour she mocked me as it was ‘normal’ only to be loving greenery and flowers in the hues of red and pink.

I love chlorophyll in different tinges too but as I was describing in writing the spectrum of brown in terms like burnt umber, maroon, buff, sandy brown, khaki, beige, coffee, russet, mahogany, auburn, coconut, chestnut, copper, ginger, ochre, bronze, brass, beige, ecru, tumbleweed, burlywood, wheat, almond, bisque, etc she was irritated and wrote in a peeved tone, “You have mentioned so many shades of brown! Why? Is brown so vast? Can’t you be happy without this and do deep breathing, meditation, positive affirmations, eat nutritious food, keep a schedule and spend good time with family instead? We’ve formed a manual to be followed during the pandemic. So many people are enjoying at home and spreading positive vibes of the same on social media.”

Brown is the quintessential colour of Mother Earth for me. Loving it shouldn’t be used as an excuse to pathologize me. I looked at the neem tree of our building compound with its greens and browns and remembered the time when I yearned to see this natural look.




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