Celts in Ancient France 800 BCE. It was the Iron Age for the Celts who then resided around modern-day Austria. During this time they began to spread all over Europe. Certain groups immigrated amply to modern France. As per Roman history, Gaul which encompassed France was home to more than five dozen distinct Celtic groups. The Celts formed a tribal agricultural society headed by landlords. They recognized more than 300 gods and goddesses. Their religious and cultural leaders were druids who were gifted healers. Some Celts had an aristocratic warrior lineage. Then there was the intellectual class of druids, judges, jurists, priests, teachers, poets etc. They lived in round houses with walls of daub and wattle with thatched roofs. The benches in their cottages doubled as beds. They used low-lying tables. Both animals and family members slept in these homes together. The purpose of this arrangement was that all of them were safe from robbers and predatory animals at night. ...